Aguacate y Mezcal Aumentan Exportaciones a pesar de la Pandemia
September 17, 2020
International Contracts: kinds and elements
October 1, 2020What is Mezcal?
Mezcal is a destilated beverage with a mexican origin. It is very similar to tequila.
The main difference is that tequila is made of agave azul, while mezcal can be done with up to 20 different species of maguey/agave.
Mezcal is always a 100% made of agave, while tequila could be made of at least 51%.
Mezcal contains between 35° and 55° of alcohol, while tequila has between 35° and 45°.
Mezcal is craft-made, while tequila is made by industrialized processes, by machines that accelerate the production.
The "denomination of origin" also sets a difference between mezcal and tequila. Mezcal must be produced in any of the following mexican states: Oaxaca, Durango, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Michoacan, San Luis Potosi, Puebla, Tamaulipas or Zacatecas.

There are four main kinds of mezcal:
- "Blanco" (white) or "Jóven" (young) transparent, stocked for at least two months.
- "Maduro" (mature) in glass: stocked in glass containers for at least one year. The temperature, light and humidity are managed during this time.
- "Reposado": Stocked between two months and one year. "Añejo" (stale): stocked for at least one year in barrels of not more than 200 liters.
- Añejo: Stocked for at least one year in barrels of not more than 200 litres.
The matter of añejamiento (aged in barrels) is a debate between orthodox mezcal producers and others more flexible. The orthodox claim that the añejamiento is an influence from other liquors with marketing purposes, and that in order to properly enjoy the flavour of agave, we should consume 'blanco'.
At the end... its up to you!
These can be mixed with additional ingredients in order to expand the flavour range of the beverage. The most common ingredients are added during the secon distillation. They are usually "guajolote" chests with fruits and especies.
How should you drink it?
It is funny.... the container of mezcal is traditionally a candle glass with a cross at the bottom.
People usually drink it puro (alone), or together with salt made of the worms that live in the agaves, with sliced oranges, plus a side beer... what could get wrong!?
1) The rule of thumb is that we do not shot (as of drinking it all at once) mezcal.
You should drink it "a besitos" or "small kisses" so small sips.
2) The purpose of the sliced orange is to renovate the taste. Imagine you are drinking a bit of mezcal and then a bit of tequila, in this case you should have a small bite of the orange to renew the flavour.
3) Dark chocolate is another option to renew the flavour. In professional testings, people use chocolate with at least 85% of cacao.

4) Be careful when having mezcal in a cocktail.
A good mezcal will be delicious without anything else.
If you really want to mix it, there is a great offer by experts in mezcal cocktailing. In case you want to do it on your own, you can start with ezpadin and bitter or acidic flavours, since they accentuate the characteristics of the mezcal.
Mezcal's Prices
The first thing to bear in mind is that price does not mean quality.Consider that as mezcal is very trendy, its demand increases and its prices as well.
For example, there is a business model in which entrepreneurs buy low quality mezcal at low prices so they can bottle it in a nice presentationa and increase its price.
Paraleley, there are many mezcales made by master mezcal makers and families that have been making mezcal for generations. These could be not so popular, without such attractive looking but with excellent quality and flavour. Below we tell you how to recognize a good mezcal.
The average price of a bottle of mezcal in mexico goes from MXN$300 to MXN$1,500. In foreign markets, the price tends to double. In this line, a bottle that costs MXN$400, could be sold for EUR€31 (MXN$800) or in the United States of America in US$37 (MXN$800).
Did you know that by 2020 the exports of mezcal increased by a 12% when compared to the same period during 2019? Read more!
How to know if a mezcal is good?
Mezcal master producers (and in the experience of exoap's team), a very interisting aspect when it comes to mezcal taste is that is has above 40% of alcohol.
One of the main aspects is to observe the alcohol percentage. An indicator are the "pearls", small bubbles produced after shaking the liquid. If many are created and they remain without bursint, it is a sign of a good mezcal. This can also be observed when pouring it in a glass.
"Legs" are created as the mezcal slips down the glass.
What about the worm?
It use has considerably decreased. Long ago it was a way to distinguish mezcal from tequila.
Nowadays, its looking is not so pleasant for first-tryiers. Therefore, its use has decreased. Additionally, many master mezcal producers claim that it is an element that deteriorates the flavour of the mezcal.
Suggestions of the best brands
Defining "the best mezcal" is a difficult task due to the complexity of the beverage and the broad flavour possibilities. However, we include a set of differente mezcal bottles which have been much liked by us.

Excellent white mezcal. Created from an artisanal process that has been passed down for generations.
Everything I needed to know in a concise, detailed and very informative summary. Thank you.
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